It all started with a vacation...I was sailing the sea and came home with a new vision. I wanted to be an Esthetician. Upon graduation from Esthetics school. I quickly started climbing the ladder. My first stop was at Betty O' Day Spa in Hyde Park, there I learned how to master a European facial. My next job was at a fitness center. With only 6 months in, I was promoted to Spa Manager of a brand new beautiful Spa in Lincoln Park. This was my dream job and I was feeling on top of the world. Until one day 5 years later when I was called into an office and was threatened to be terminated if I did not reach my goal this month. It was at that time that I realized that if I can hit a goal for someone else....I could hit a goal for myself. 2 months after knocking that goal out...of...the...park....
That's when my journey to Robynne Denise began.
In 2015 I launched my very first product called Pynk Panties Ingrown Scrub. Pynk Panties is an ingrown scrub that is beneficial to the bikini and underarm area. There are now over 10 products available.
In 2018 I opened Robynne Denise Wax Boutique, a wax boutique located in Chicago's west loop.
In 2024 Booghee Bodycare was launched and the journey continues!
Thank you for staying with me!